I had two very different dreams in the same night, i’m not really sure if they’re related. I also don’t know if they’re good or bad, they were just kind of weird.
First dream: (Seemed to have three different parts)
I am inside a giant Kingdomcity (name of my church) warehouse building filled with all kinds of things: props, mirrors, chairs, clothes, and even weapons. I was with a large group of students all around my age group, and we played a game that was like a really aggressive game of hide and seek where people formed teams based on who they found, but some people had to not only be found but also caught by force. I was hiding myself inside a bunch of chair stacks, and I thought I was well hidden and safe, but then I was suddenly dragged backwards underneath the chairs by 3 men, one of which was a very tall ex-boyfriend of mine. He grabbed me, kicking and screaming, and threw me over his shoulders where I hanged over his back. I somehow got away, but the same group later found me again near some trees, this time as a larger group, and I had no choice but to join them.
We all then moved on to a different activity, and Pastor Jemima (One of the senior Pastors of my church) was giving us all different tasks to tidy up the warehouse and make it presentable. i think I first re-arranged some things, but then she asked me ti build something, which turned out to be a trampoline.
Then, at the end, we were all able to take home as many clothes as we wanted to, and I took my time selecting some beautiful items before leaving.
Second dream:
In this dream I was Russian princess that had somehow gotten lost, and now needed to get back to my family. I travelled with this group of people who were helping me. I finally got a meeting with a Russian ambassador, but he kept trying to get rid of me during our meeting, even though he clearly knew I was telling the truth, but wouldn’t admit it. I had to keep my wits about me the whole time. This meeting was not successful, but I somehow got the favour of some more people who decided to help me by bringing me new sets of nicer clothes which I changed into while someone was holding up something (a jacket i think) between me and the crowd to shield me. With all these people there to support me, the ambassador could no longer try to harm me, but I realised that I wasn’t going to get anywhere with this guy, so I decided to try something different and go elsewhere.
I went by train with some friends to the house of this other person they knew who had ties with the royal family. On the train ride there I kept wondering if I remembered to actually buy a ticket before boarding, but no-one checked.
This person immediately believed me, and although they were kinda weird, they helped me prove my identity by teaching me secret things. They took me to this beach, which was inside somehow, and showed me this hidden chest/compartment in the sand that contained magic ’tools’. I was only able to grab a couple of things before the waves came and hid the box again.
After this I was finally recognised as the princess. I was then frustrated because my family would not allow me to immediately participate in royal duties such as going on a sea-voyage with the King, and wanted me to stay home instead.