The dream started where I was in a building. It was daylight and in the afternoon.
I was standing in the middle of an open living room .There were a lot of people gathering around decorated tables, witch had food and drinks on. It looked like an event or function for Ministers and Politicians.
Every one was chatting and enjoying themselves. I walked across the room and looked outside the window.
There was a massive storm approaching, Suddenly the laughter and chatting came to a Holt. Every one ran out the building, as they were frightened of the sound of the wind, When I left the building, my oldest son was with me.
We ran onto the beach towards the whirlwind. ( We were running toward the sound of the wind and every one else was running away.)
My son and I were standing on the shore. We could see the whirlwind getting closer. There was someone walking and he was coming towards us. Then the wind died down.
In the dream it felt like we knew him and his name was Ezekiel. He spoke to both of us, than handed my son an axe and gave me a scroll. I opened the scroll, it looked like instructions. I then woke up, couldn't t remember what he said, just remembered one word on the scroll and that was Israel.