I felt led to post this dream up for intepreatation :) Would love to hear what you guys have received from the Lord :)
In the dream, it wasn't me but the lady was birthing something & before that she had to figure her way out from underground basement. At this point the words came out- " Character is more important". It was her party but she didn't want to attend it because her "husband" who really wasn't her husband and not God approved & also the father of the baby ( same guy/organization) was an oppressor and part of the military & had forced her to attend it.
The scene changed where I went past a farm of plants & also past two people Katherine(A real life flower manager) & Siew Teng( in real life a professional art collector for reselling) in which there were selling flowers at the road side next to a highway. The main character became the lady again in which she passed through and ended up with a party of orchestra people, in which Justin ( old verbal and psychological abuser) & a worship team from Petra church sang me a birthday song. (and nobody knew they were on a mission to China).
In my dream, the scene then changed I had to entertain a client as a sales person who came to my house to 'help' Justin. But the person went instead, akin to a father, to the unit opposite my house to a pregnant Isabel ( naive, rebellious ) in which I felt could be birthing the enemy's agenda.
I felt some parts of the dream could have been from the enemy but there are some from the Holy Spirit, would love if you guys could discern this together with me :)