This is a recurring dream which I have had for about 12 years. Our family finds itself back in an old house we used to live in many years ago in Adeline Street. My husband insists that we enter the house and stay there while we are in the area - it's like we still have some kind of right to do this because we used to live there! Once we are all in the house I start to realize that we no longer have any claim on it and that we are in fact trespassing. I start to panic that the owner will come any minute and we will be in lots of trouble. My husband isn't that bothered. I'm trying to gather all our things to leave but we seem to have very quickly spread it everywhere so it very hard to do this. Also, quite often I start finding other things that we left there - it seems like we didn't do the move out process properly all those years ago! I am filled with utter panic and terror about being caught there. Gradually my kids and my husband start to rally to the cause too but they are very slow and lethargic about it. In one dream my husband said he had made a special arrangement with the owner for us to stay. I felt a bit better but not much. I feel like we have gone backwards - we've ended up back at a horrid time in our lives, at a place that should stay in the past.